Saturday, February 3, 2007

One Day Left

Here it is one day left untill I am 21 I can't wait although I will miss being young the thing I hate when you old is you have some many things to do. When you are a kid there isn't that much stuff to do. So I think I know what I am going to do for my 21st birthday. In the morning when I get off of work I am going to buy my 1st scracther card and then later on I will buy my 1st alcholic drink while I go out for birthday lunch then I will drink again during that night. The second night will be me hanging out with my friend Jackie and drinking. Also on a random sidenote some guy this morning at work was in circle k and we were talking and before he left he said by the way you are very cute. After he left I got so red because it was the first time someone had told me that ever. My seceret love has never told me that

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