Sunday, March 11, 2007


So lets see celebrating hmmm whats to celebreat a couple of things.

First off at work I work 2nd shift and 3rd shift both. I actually like both fo them because working 2nd shift for awhile I met alot of nice customers. 3rd Shift is nice and quiet most nights which gives me time to think about life and whats going on.

I actually plan to work on my newest story idea called Millenum. I think this one if it's good I migth try and publish and hopefully come August 07 I will read at group in the talent show along with a portion of Love Twist which I plan to redo and make better.

Phoenix Gay Pride comes Apirl 14th and 15th and I plan on going both days so I am looking forward to doing that so bad. Rock on Phoenix Pride.

Fianl thing with things to celebrate I figured I would post a happy song with a great beat to it.

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